Why WOMAN TRACK stories
Expressive writing can mean writing about a stressful or traumatic experiences, but also writing about positive experiences and emotions.
It is a great tool to cope with our emotions, traumatic experiences, diagnoses, depression, stress, anxiety, lack of support from family members, friends or other, to us important people.
Expressive writing also helps readers to find new strength or new way how to cope with their own situation, to develop empathy and to see how they can help others.
Send us your suggestion for an interview or a story on stories@womantrack.com.
We have two columns:
- We admire (where we show our admiration to women who are standing out, regardless of if they are already known or not in their society) and
- In anonymity (if you or a woman you know, have a story worth telling, but on a such way that identity of the writer wouldn’t be recognizable).

Send a story
We encourage you to send us your story or a story of woman you knew and it should be heard.
Do I need to send you my personal data to publish the story?
You can choose whether you want that we publish you as an author or not. We believe that sometimes stories in anonymity tell more. We do, however, need your contact, so we can talk about editing the story (our primary goal is just to edit spelling and grammar mistakes, length of the text and to make sure that there is clarity of the story). If you agree, we may want to tell your story also/rather as an interview with you.
What sort of themes are you looking for?
You can write about anything that is influencing your life – about a stressful or traumatic experiences, but also about positive experiences and emotions.
So, story could be about:
- dealing with any medical/emotional/other problem
- depression, stress, anxiety,
- lack of support from family members, friends or other, important people to you
- dealing with the diagnose (yours or family member’s/friend’s/partner’s…) and how you and surrounding people are/were coping with it
- divorce (your divorce or divorce of your parents and how it followed you in your life)
- about life with someone with a special need
- all happy events in your life
- people that made a big influence in your life
- work
- dealing with the death of people close to you
- dealing with traumatic experience (like violence, drinking problem,….)
- any other theme, important to you.
Do you publish all stories?
We cherish all stories that come to us and our goal is to publish as many stories as possible. We do, however, reserve the right to publish the story on our own terms and time and also to decline publishing the story. Read more here.